10 July 2012

AFP gives insight on Australian anti-bribery laws

In a climate of aggressive enforcement of foreign bribery, both in Australia and overseas, many companies are questioning the precise scope and application of foreign bribery laws and what kinds of actions they should be taking to minimise their risk of exposure. In a joint panel discussion held at Freehills’ Sydney offices on 15 June 2012 and co-hosted by Deloitte, AFP Assistant Commissioner Ramzi Jabbour provided a rare insight into the AFP’s approach to the enforcement of Australia’s foreign bribery laws.

In particular, the AFP Assistant Commissioner provided guidance on how the AFP assesses payments for hospitality, gifts and charitable donations, or payments which may fall within the facilitation payments defence. He highlighted the AFP’s interest in working with industries such as the resources industry to raise awareness and encourage self-reporting.

While many Australian companies are well aware of corruption risks, they may struggle with the precise scope and application of Australia’s foreign bribery laws as well as overseas laws that may now apply to Australian companies, for example, in the US and the UK. Of particular concern are the scope of the facilitation payments defence and the grey areas of corporate hospitality, travel, charitable donations and gifts.

In total the AFP has conducted 29 bribery investigations to date. The Assistant Commissioner commented that the AFP has not targeted particular industries. It is keen to work with industry groups to raise awareness, particularly those industries at higher risk because of the nature of the industry, or the regions in which they operate. One example is the resources industry. The AFP is currently in the process of preparing a ‘fact sheet’ to assist companies to identify and navigate the risks.

Matters to date have generally come from whistleblowers or self-reporting by companies. The AFP sees self-reporting as important but has no power to negotiate outcomes with companies that self-report. 

While each matter will turn on its own facts, key considerations for the AFP when assessing hospitality, travel payments or charitable donations, or facilitation payments are whether these are:

  • reasonable in the circumstances
  • for a business purpose, and
  • clearly documented. 

Transparency will be key. The AFP does not have a specific threshold value when assessing payments, and the cumulative value will be relevant. What may be reasonable on one occasion may become questionable if it is occurring on a regular basis. Payments for close personal protection in dangerous regions may also be legitimate but again should be fully documented.

A key takeaway from the panel was that awareness is critical. Companies need to be aware of how they may be exposed to risks because of the culture and environment in which they operate, the contracts they have in place and the business partners they are working with. Implementing appropriate policies and procedures, continually monitoring risks and clearly documenting payments will stand companies in good stead.

This post is written by Freehills Partner Caroline Cox.

Freehills would like to thank AFP Assistant Commissioner Ramzi Jabbour and Frank O’Toole, Partner Deloitte for participating in the panel discussion. 

9 July 2012

Merger creates one of the world’s most experienced energy and resources firms

International law firms Herbert Smith and Freehills confirmed today that their partnerships have voted overwhelmingly in favour of merging to create a new firm, Herbert Smith Freehills. The firm will focus on providing an integrated service to clients across its 20 offices. This will be a full equity merger, with a single profit pool from day one. Launch of the firm is targeted for 1 October 2012.
